Every year the youth group puts on a spaghetti dinner and dessert auction for the church and anyone else who wants to come. The teens then act as waitresses and waiters by getting them drinks, salads, spaghetti, etc. After the dinner is over there is a dessert auction. (people in the church and in the youth group make desserts to be auctioned off) all of the money that was raised will go towards the youth fund. It was a really fun night [= Oh, and that dessert that looks like a zebra...i made it!
I have been having OOOODLES of fun with this little one right here! She is at like the funnest age ever! Lately, i've been doing her nails (quite often i might add) and it is so cute because she absolutely loves her "pretty's" She just sits on my little computer chair and lets me touch her fingers and toes so that she can get her "pretty's" right now i believe she has purple and green on every other fingernail or toenail! She also enjoys baking with me...as long as i share the batter with her:) and then of course theres the cuddles, the reading and what not....anyways...just thought i would say that i have the cutest little sis ever!